4 Awesome Python Resources for Beginners
In this post, you will find 4 super helpful resources to learn Python programming. Note, these resources focuses on the beginnner. Now, there are many reasons why you should learn programming in Python, and they’re covered elswhere around the web.
What Are the Uses for Python?
Now, Python is a general-purpose language and can can be used for a variety of tasks, both large and small. In Python, you can code a game, create a program that downloads information from a web page (the so-called scraping), to name a few uses. Python is also used in web development including terms of service, The Guardian, and Instagram were built with Python as a result. However, before you get as far as you need to, of course, to learn the language. Here are the top five places to start.
Now, one cool thing you can do with Python is visualizate your data. For instance, see the post about data visualization with Seaborn for barplot examples.
1. Coursera – Python for Everyone Specialization
At Coursera, you will find a wide variety of online courses from universities such as Princeton, Stanford, and the University of Michigan. The latter is holding the ”Python for Everyone” course, which is just awsome! This course comprise five of the video training courses are led by the hyper-popular teacher Dr. Charles Severance.
Moreover, the course covers everything from the basics of Python, how to write a simple webcrawlers, and webscraping program. Tests of knowledge, challenging assignments, and an accompanying course book is also included. Everything is free of charge, as long as you don’t want to be kurscertifikat, except for the last part of the course ”Capstone”. The first course in this series is Programming for Everybody.
Pros: You will learn how to program. This course will guide you on how to install Python and how to set up a development environment. You will learn the basic concepts in programming, and also to be able to build the program for yourself. In addition, you will get to learn a little bit of internethistoria!
Cons: don’t Like the video courses, then perhaps this is not the one for you. On the other hand, didn’t like that I have video courses before I came across this one and saw how the educational format can be, when used in the correct manner.
2. Learn Python The Hard Way
Learn Python the Hard Way is an excellent way to learn Python 3. It is written for a completely novice programmer. The book is based in large part on writing code, writing some more code, writing code, and then writing it a little more code. ”The Hard Way” is not on the level of difficulty, but if you are really practicing skills by hours and hours of writing code.
Pros: Just like the Coursera course, you will learn how to set up a Python development environment and then write your code in this dev environment. Among other things, you will have to write a lot of lines of Python code, which can be a great way to get the syntax to get caught up in the world.
On the negative side: It really was The Hard Way. Writing large amount of code and re-writing of the examples in the book is not the ideal way to learn, for all of us.
3. Think Python – How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Think Python – how to think like a computer scientist is the second book on this great list of resources to learn Python. In fact, the Python language is aimed at both beginners and people with prior knowledge of programming. Thus, this book goes to an in-depth analysis of the language and basic concepts in programming, it will surely teach you how to think like a computer scientist! In addition to a great teoribas, this includes the book, several of the exercises to sink your teeth into the header-for example, dictionaries, and other useful information.
Pros: You will learn how to understand programming and get a solid knowledge of how Python works. I have heard many people name this book as it allowed them to learn the Python language, rather than just learning a few lines of code.
Cons: this is NOT a book for those who want to ”learn Python in 30 days” (if that’s even possible – or even desirable – to do learn programming this quick. This is a book for anyone who wants to become a developer for real. It provides a solid knowledge, however, requires some background knowledge. I got caught up in math rather quickly, it is necessary to have a good idea of the particular the field of mathematics, in order to get through the exercises.
4. Automate the Boring Stuff With Python
Automate the boring stuff with Python begins with the words, ”Everyone should learn to code, but not everyone needs to become a software engineer or computer scientist.”
This book is intended for those who want to learn how to do specific stuff in Python. For example, learn how to rename a lot of files in a folder, to go through thousands of Excel rows for a specific field that you want to update or copy the data from a wide variety of PDF files. No previous experience is required.
Benefits: additionally,, you will learn the basic building blocks of a Python, and you’ll also get direct access to them to build some useful tools. Many of the courses that teach the programming language of the example excersises, which is perhaps difficult to understand the purpose (the ”why should I have to write a program that calculates the angle of a given triangle?”), this book, instead of examples, it may teach you something actually useful.
Cons: It will give a superficial introduction to the Python language, and that the REAL-life version of the book is poorly bound.
Now, when you have learned how to program in Python, you can also write cool Python programs to get user input from the keyboard.